How We Serve

BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) runs a range of services and initiatives through our subsidiaries, in partnership with governments, other not for profits, or private sector partners.

Select one of the links below to learn more about our services.

On-Farm Programs

BCAC supports farmers and ranchers is by delivering on-farm programs through a subsidiary company (ARDCorp). Staff works directly with the federal and provincial governments to deliver effective and affordable programs and services that advance both the individual producer and entire agriculture sector while benefiting local communities.


Support With Labour Needs

BCAC, through its subsidiary company, the Western Agriculture Labour Initiative (WALI), supports BC farmers and ranchers by working with governments to develop labour policies that benefit both farmers and workers. Read more for information on temporary forein workers, the Seasonal Agriculture Worker Program (SAWP) and housing inspections.


Community Engagement

BCAC is committed to growing the community’s understanding of agriculture. In order to grow awareness and understanding, BCAC leads a number of special projects and initiatives, including "We Heart Local BC".


BCAC oversees a number of committees who, in turn, provide leadership from our broad stakeholder groups. These smaller, focused workgroups are formed for a term or used as an ongoing committee. Read more to learn about our groups.