A collective voice of B.C. agriculture
BCAC is comprised of 28 member associations that represent 96% of the province's farm gate sales. Each association represents a distinct sector of producers or growers within B.C.’s agricultural industry. The support of these organizations enable BCAC to act on behalf of B.C. farmers and ranchers, advocating for their best interests on government issues and enhancing the effectiveness of our various programs and initiatives.
Representing over 700 blueberry growers, the BC Blueberry Council enhances the viability and strategic development of the BC blueberry industry for the benefit of the growers through promotion, research, industry education and relationship building.
The BC Broiler Hatching Egg Producers’ Association is a not-for-profit organization that is at the foundation of Canada’s chicken industry. There are 53 family-owned and operated hatching egg producers in B.C. that can produce over 9 million hatching eggs!
As the voice of over 1200 cattle ranchers across the province, BC Cattlemen's Association (BCCA) strengthens the sustainability of the B.C. beef industry. BCCA promotes, encourages, protects and develops the cattle industry in British Columbia in an environmentally responsible manner.
The BC Cherry Association represents growers, marketers, packers, researchers and industry members. It sponsors research to grow and deliver top quality cherries to markets around the world and works to promote and strengthen marketing opportunities.
The BC Chicken Growers’ Association (BCCGA) was founded to unite commercial chicken growers and to work towards a more stable industry. The Association represents registered broiler chicken growers in BC and acts as a liaison between the chicken growers, the chicken industry and the government.
BC Cranberry Growers Association works in conjunction with the BC Cranberry Marketing Commission to discuss, identify and research production issues affecting the cranberry industry as well as to provide funding support for research and grower education that promotes environmentally sustainable farm practices.
BC Dairy Association is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating British Columbians on milk, dairy farming and nutrition. In our province, 98% of dairy farms are family-owned and operated and are committed to producing top quality milk in a sustainable and responsible way.
BC Egg Producers' Association is a non-profit organization that oversees and manages the province’s egg farming industry. They work with approximately 144 family-owned and operated egg farms to bring the goodness of B.C. fresh eggs to your table.
The BC Fruit Growers’ Association represents BC fruit growers’ interests through activities including advocating for positive change to risk management programs and providing services and products to growers. They represent over 500 tree fruit growers who farm approximately 15,000 acres of apples, pears, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums.
BC Grain Producers’ Association represents the interests of BC grain and oilseed producers on local, provincial and federal levels and works on crop varieties research.
The British Columbia Grapegrowers’ Association is a non-profit organization that represents all commercial wine grape producers in b.C. on agricultural issues and concerns. They work with other industry organizations, provincial and federal agricultural organizations and all levels of government to represent, promote and advance the interests of all B.C. wine grape growers.
The BC Greenhouse Growers’ Association is committed to delivering services and research programs to help keep growers globally competitive and to keep a vibrant and sustainable greenhouse vegetable sector in B.C., while providing high-quality and safe greenhouse vegetables to consumers.
The BC Hazelnut Growers Association exists to promote the improvement and expansion of BC’s hazelnut industry, and to support BC hazelnut growers, as well as nurseries, researchers, extension specialists, and suppliers. They believe that hazelnuts are a terrific crop for BC, and can once again be a thriving part of agriculture in the province.
The BC Honey Producer's Association has a primary goal to educate and improve the quality of beekeeping throughout B.C. There are over 700 BC beekeepers are members of BCHPA, representing over 25,000 colonies.
Representing over 500 nursery growers, garden retailers and landscapers in BC, BC Landscape and Nursery Association promotes the value and quality of B.C. grown plants at home and across North America. The industry employs nearly 3,000 people and produces over 20 million great plants a year!
The British Columbia Pork Producers Association was incorporated in 1929 and represents the pork sector in such areas as lobbying, animal care, food safety and traceability, environment, research and development, and consumer education.

Growers' Association
Tel: 604 940 2024
The purpose of the BC Potato & Vegetable Growers' Association is to promote the interests of the potato and vegetable growers of BC through funding, research, education and representation.

Tel: 604 866 7600
The BC Poultry Association brings all four poultry sectors together to benefit all industry partners. The nature of the industry is changing at a fast pace and the impacts of the marketplace and government policy has become more pervasive. The Association looks to strengthen the shared visions and goals of each sector to better the industry as a whole.
The BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) was established in 1984 and is based in Campbell River, British Columbia. BCSFA includes both farmed salmon producers and many of the companies that provide services and supplies to them.
The BC Shellfish Growers Association is a non-profit association established in 1948 which represents 70% of BC's shellfish farmers as well as processors, industry suppliers, and service providers related to the industry.
The BC Strawberry Growers’ Association is proud to have approximately 48 growers throughout B.C., growing fresh and processed strawberries on close to 600 acres in the fertile Fraser Valley for over 30 years.
The B.C. Turkey Association actively participates in all areas that affect the production of turkeys in BC, such as environmental, bio-security and on-farm food safety. There are 62 turkey farms in British Columbia that contribute to nearly 2,000 jobs in B.C.
The purpose of the BC Wine Grape Council is to coordinate, facilitate, and fund research and education on viticulture and enology to broadly benefit the British Columbia wine grape industry and to represent growers on a variety of agriculture related issues.
Organic BC is growing the organic movement in British Columbia from the ground up. Their grassroots network of organic certifiers, farmers, processors and consumers are working to build healthy soil, ecosystems, people and communities. Together, they're raising the standards for organic agriculture and transforming agriculture’s impact on the planet.

Beans & Corn Growers'
Tel: 604 946 2643
The Fraser Valley Pea, Bush Beans & Corn Growers’ Association monitors production and harvesting, and negotiates price and processing specifications with processors on behalf of its members.
Horse Council BC is a membership-driven not-for-profit association representing the interests of the equine industry in all sectors throughout British Columbia. The equine industry directly supports the agricultural community with $355 million going to professional services, tourism, feed, bedding and provides over 7,000 full time jobs.
The Peace Region Forage Seed Association was formed in 1995. The association brought together the longer histories of several associations in the Peace River region of both Alberta and British Columbia. They collectively develop the forage seed industry in the Peace Region and exchange information and prioritize issues for industry members.
The Raspberry Industry Development Council (RIDC) promotes raspberries and their use by supporting growers, processors, purchasers and the public through resources, research and delicious raspberry recipes.
United Flower Growers is a co-op of over 72 B.C. floriculture growers. Their products are sold through a Dutch-style flower auction supplying Western Canada and the United States with the freshest flowers around. UFG hosts the largest floral auction in North America where 90-95% of the products sold at the auction are grown right here in BC.