BC Poultry Farmer
Jillian is a young farmer, passionate about agriculture, and preparing to take over the family farm (K & M Farms) when her father retires in the next decade. She was born and raised on farms her entire life. Growing up, her family had a 60-acre raspberry farm and today they have a medium sized, pasture-raised chicken and turkey farm. They have a quota but must market their products directly to customers and retailers through their farm store, farmers’ markets and specialty butchers.
“I feel my most important role as a farmer is to allow for the connection between farmers and consumers to increase awareness about how their food has been raised. We tell our story and they tell us theirs.” Jillian says customers love coming to her farm and seeing the chickens and turkeys ranging in the fields. She says, “My passion lies in engaging customers in discussions about how and where their food comes from and allowing them to see, touch and feel exactly how it’s done.”