BC Cattle Rancher
There is a good reason why farmers are often called ‘stewards of the land’, and the Clifton family are a
solid example of dedication to sustainability. According to Wade Clifton, effectively managing the
grassland and being an environmental steward is simply the “right thing to do”.
The Clifton family has been ranching for over 100 years in the Similkameen Valley. Their current ranch is
located near Keremeos and was established in 1968. The ranch is a true family operation. It is managed
by Wade and his wife Sandra; Wade’s sister-in-law Dianne Clifton (wife of the late Brad Clifton); and
Brad’s and Wade’s parents Wilson and June.
Together, the Clifton’s raise 500 cow-calf pairs on 60,000 acres of owned, leased and Crown lands. Their
ranch land can be challenging, with a hot, dry climate, and steep terrain. However, through practices like
water management, rotational grazing, and wildlife-friendly fences they are ensuring their ranch exists
in harmony with the natural ecosystems and the 30+ species at risk found in the area.
For almost twenty years, Clifton Ranch has worked with the Nature Trust of BC to restore natural
grasslands and protect species at risk, while raising their cattle in a sustainable way. This commitment to
caring for the environment recently earned Clifton Ranch two awards: 2019 BC Cattlemen’s Association
Ranch Sustainability Award and The Environmental Stewardship Award (2019), presented by the
Canadian Cattlemen’s Association.