BC Cheesemaker
Farmers Nancy and Clarke Gourlay manage Little Qualicum Cheeseworks along with Mooberry Winery and Morningstar Farm, though they’re quick to remind you that their farming is a team effort. Field staff, herd staff, cheese-makers, packaging staff, wholesale and distribution managers, not to mention the team running their successful farm-gate store – the Gourlay’s offer big praise to them all, and it’s clear from this roster that the farm has come a long way since its inception in 2001.
“Every day I look forward to the unforeseen challenges and problems that will require solving that day,” says Nancy. “While every manager attempts to make plans for people, projects and growth, a lot of what happens is stuff that nobody plans for but is just life. For example a major restaurant chain may inquire about a specialized cheese for their exclusive use, or a beaver may decide to take up residence in your irrigation pond. It’s exciting and we enjoy embracing the unforeseen and seeing where it takes us.”