2025 Provincial Budget Released
Today, British Columbia's Finance Minister, the Honourable Brenda Bailey, announced the government's 2025 Provincial Budget. Positioned as a plan to prepare B.C. for global trade challenges, the budget maintains a steady course with targeted investments while navigating uncertainty caused by recently announced tariffs.
Statement from BCAC President on U.S. Tariffs
“Today’s tariffs introduce new challenges for B.C.’s farmers and ranchers, adding to the pressures they already face. Our sector has always been resilient, and we will continue to adapt and push forward. BC Agriculture Council is actively engaging with our members to understand the real-time impacts and ensure their voices are heard where it matters most. In the coming weeks, we will be working closely with industry and government to find solutions that strengthen B.C. agriculture, protect local businesses, and support the communities that rely on a thriving sector. We remain committed to ensuring farmers and ranchers have the tools and support they need to remain competitive, drive innovation, and build a strong future for B.C. agriculture." - Jennifer Woike, President, BC Agriculture Council
New provincial task force will focus on food security, growth, economy
“B.C.’s agriculture sector has been a significant economic contributor and an important piece of our province’s identity for more than a century, but the long-term viability of farming faces several challenges,” said Danielle Synotte, executive director, BC Agriculture Council (BCAC). “If the economic growth potential of the sector is to be realized, we need to re-evaluate the way we see and value agriculture. The Premier’s task force is an opportunity to build a shared vision for the sector that involves innovative ideas and a shift in perspective, focusing on solutions, and BCAC is thrilled to be a partner on this very important work.”
Premier’s Task Force Announced in Mandate Letters to Grow the Profitability of B.C.’s Agriculture Sector
Today, Premier David Eby released his governments’ mandate letters outlining very high-level commitments and broad policy directions for each ministry, emphasizing collaboration with industry and communities to strengthen the province’s resilience. Cabinet ministers are all being directed to internally review all existing programs, focus on growing B.C.’s economy and protecting vital public services in the face of global economic uncertainties.
Joint Statement on the Future of B.C.’s Resource Sector
As leaders in British Columbia’s business and resource sector, we welcome Premier Eby’s commitment to strengthening B.C.’s economy through responsible resource development. His remarks at the BC Natural Resources Forum underscore the vital role resources play in our
province’s prosperity—from the contributions they make to family-supporting jobs, to the revenue they generate for public services such as healthcare, to their support of reconciliation.
Op-Ed: We're facing a perfect storm that threatens the future of B.C.'s farms and ranches
At first glance, a growing Canada should translate to a growing market for regional agricultural products. But the challenges for farmers and ranchers are many, and the issues are particularly compounded in B.C. As our population expands, this creates intense competition around land usage. As municipalities become increasingly built out, political pressure around the long-held provincial Agricultural Land Reserve is intensifying.
Agriculture Leaders from Across the Country Address the Growing Pressures on Canada’s Farmland
Today, BC Agriculture Council is hosting an urgent and timely panel discussion with industry leaders from across the country, "The Loss of Agricultural Land and the Ever-Growing Pressures – What Will Be Left for Ag Production?" This critical conversation will take place during BC Young Farmers' event, Farm Fest 2024.
There’s no food without water
Today, on behalf of farmers and ranchers across the province, BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) and BC Dairy jointly announced a new campaign calling on all political parties to endorse Agricultural Water Reserves (AWRs) in BC. As a part of the campaign, the organizations have released a new website, No Food Without Water, where British Columbians can send a letter to their local candidates, asking them to support the creation of AWRs to help permanently protect food production and support farmers and ranchers here in BC.
A short-sighted vision for BC’s food security by restricting salmon aquaculture: “profound sadness” expressed.
Today, the federal government announced a 5-year period for British Columbia salmon farmers to fully transition from open net-pen farming to land-based or marine closed containment.
BC Flood Strategy an Important Step for Farmers and Ranchers
Today, the Government of British Columbia released From Flood Risk to Resilience: a B.C. Flood Strategy to 2035. This is a significant development for farmers and ranchers, many having experienced severe impacts from flood events over recent years. In 2021, flooding in B.C. affected over 1,100 farms, including 15,000 hectares of farmland and 2.5 million livestock.
2024 Provincial Budget Released
Today, British Columbia's Finance Minister, the Honourable Katrine Conroy, unveiled the government’s budget for the 2024 fiscal year that included an historic investment of $83 million in water storage for B.C. farmers and ranchers.
B.C.’s young farmers discuss future of farming with Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food
As part of Farm Fest 2023, young farmers from across British Columbia are gathering in Abbotsford today to discuss critical issues facing the next generation of farmers and ranchers.
Farmers and ranchers in Victoria bring forward solutions to increase food security and strengthen the sector
A delegation of B.C. farmers and ranchers are in Victoria today to bring forward solutions to the challenges faced by the sector in providing the food security and agricultural products British Columbians seek.
Letter to the Premier, regarding disruptions at the ports.
BCAC sent a letter to British Columbia's Premier, David Eby regarding the impact of ongoing disruptions of operations at the ports in Vancouver and Prince Rupert are having on our province’s farmers and ranchers.
Regenerative Agriculture & Agritech: Final Report & Recommendations
The final report and recommendations published by the Ministry of Agriculture & Food was supported by the BCAC Working Group which provided direct input into the strategic framework and recommendations report.
The 2023 Provincial Budget is Released
Today, British Columbia's government released its 2023 budget under the new Premier, David Eby. As anticipated, British Columbia's Finance Minister, Katrine Conroy, announced an increased focus on healthcare, public safety, and housing.
B.C. Farmers and Ranchers Connect with Government for Ag Day
B.C. farmers and ranchers have travelled from across the province for the first time in three years for BC Agriculture Council’s (BCAC) annual Ag Day in Victoria to emphasize their commitment to bringing healthy and quality food and plants to the homes of British Columbians.
Unique Surrey Farmland Should Be Protected
BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) is deeply concerned by the recent reports that the lands that have been farmed by Heppell’s Potatoes for more than three generations are now at risk of industrial development, announced BCAC Executive Director, Danielle Synotte.
Census Shows Agriculture is a Growing Economic Driver in British Columbia
Last week, Statistics Canada released new data from the Census of Agriculture that told readers that the agriculture sectors’ contributions to the provincial economy are growing. Operating revenue in the province totalled $4.8 billion in 2020 which is a significant increase over revenue in 2019 of $3.9 billion.
BCAC Fund for Farmers Receives Nearly $800,000 in Donations
As of today, BC Agriculture Council's (BCAC) Fund for Farmers has reached nearly $800,000 in donations announced President, Stan Vander Waal. Canadians donated in response to flooding in B.C. communities last November after learning of the devastating impacts to farmers and ranchers, particularly in Abbotsford, Merritt, and Princeton.
Agriculture Award Winners Announced at 20th B.C. Agri-Food Industry Gala
Richmond farmer Bill Zylmans and long-time agriculture consultant Christine Koch were recognized for their contributions to B.C.’s agriculture sector this evening at the virtual B.C. Agri-Food Industry Gala hosted by BC Agriculture Council (BCAC). In addition, Royal Bay Secondary teacher Robin Ruff was presented with an Outstanding Teacher Award by BC Agriculture in the Classroom (BCAITC).
The BC Agri-Food Industry Gala Online Auction Is Now Live!
Get your bids in now! BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) is thrilled to announce that the BC Agri-Food Industry Gala Online Auction is open for online bidding now to April 3. British Columbians can bid on over 100 items including entertainment, accommodation, gift cards, memorabilia, and more!
20th BC Agri-Food Industry Gala Celebrates Agriculture in B.C.
For the second time in 20 years, the BC Agri-Food Industry Gala will take a virtual format as farmers, ranchers, and supporters from across the province tune in to celebrate the agriculture sector in British Columbia. BC Agriculture Council’s (BCAC) virtual Gala will air on March 30, 2022, at 6:00 P.M.
BC Agriculture Council Establishes Fund to Support Farmers
BC Agriculture Council is accepting donations on behalf of our province’s farmers and ranchers who have been impacted by the recent severe weather events. The organization has already received $100,000 in donations, including $30,000 from Scotiabank, $25,000 each from CIBC and Envision Financial, and $20,000 from Mertin Auto Group in Chilliwack.
B.C. Farmers and Ranchers Connect with Government for Ag Day
It has been two years since British Columbia’s farmers, ranchers and industry leaders last gathered for Ag Day in Victoria where they connected with government to discuss matters impacting the sector. While the annual event won’t take place in Victoria this year, Ag Day will go forward virtually, beginning today. This year’s discussions will focus on three top priorities for agriculture: food security, water security, and labour.
Celebrate Summer with Free Cook-Along
Summer is just around the corner and it's time to try some tasty new recipes! BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation and We Heart Local BC are hosting a free cook-along webinar from 5:30pm to 7:00m on June 21, 2021 that features fresh, fabulous and fun summertime recipes and ag-education!
Provincial Budget Is Preparing for Economic Recovery
Today, Finance Minister Selina Robinson tabled the 2021 provincial budget amid COVID-19 financial pressures. The budget funds a range of new measures to protect the health and safety of British Columbians while supporting people and businesses and preparing for recovery from the pandemic.
Free Cook-Along BC Series Launches
BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC) and We Heart Local BC, are partnering again to provide a new series of free virtual cook-alongs! The exciting new series will feature a variety of educational cooking demonstrations with Chef Trevor Randle on April 24, May 8, June 21 and fall/winter 2021.
Auction Proceeds Hit All-Time High!
BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) is thrilled to share the results from the annual silent auction which saw proceeds hit the highest level it has ever raised, wrapping-up at $13,255. For the fourth consecutive year, the proceeds from the auction will be donated to BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC)."
Start Your Bidding - The BC "Ag Gala" Silent Auction Is Now Live!
Today, BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) is thrilled to announce the launch of the annual BC Agri-Food Industry Gala online silent auction. For the fourth consecutive year, the proceeds from the auction will be donated to BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (BCAITC). "The BCAC Board is again thrilled to support the work of BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation whose activities are something our whole sector can unite on," says BCAC President, Stan Vander Waal. "Given the past year, it is critical that we continue to collaborate and show support from within our community."
B.C. Agriculture Sector As The Economic Stabilizer After COVID-19
Today, BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) and Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF) announced the completion of a B.C. agriculture economic impact study that illustrates how agriculture is a significant economic contributor and an important piece of B.C.’s identity. Not only is the sector a core component of the province’s economy, it can play a major role in helping the province weather and recover from the pandemic-induced economic downturn, particularly in rural communities.
New Plan Helps Island Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
Farmers on Vancouver Island and the Southern Gulf Islands will have more support to adapt to climate change following the development of the Vancouver Island Adaptation Strategies plan. The plan identifies 11 strategies for increasing the resilience of producers in the region. The governments of Canada and B.C. will provide $300,000 in funding through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership to support projects that achieve those strategies.
Canadian Federation of Agriculture Warns Domestic Food Supply Needs to be the Biggest Government Priority, Following Healthcare, in Fight Against COVID-19
Today Mary Robinson, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), hosted a virtual press conference to address the extraordinary challenges being faced by Canadian farmers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Robinson warned that without immediate assistance from the federal government, the Canadian agriculture sector cannot ensure our domestic food supply will remain secure for the immediate and long-term benefit of all Canadians.
BCAC Adds Voice to a Call for a Return to Order, the Free Movement of Goods and People and a Commitment to Certainty and Future Prosperity
“British Columbia is recognized globally for producing high-quality, safe, nutritious food and agricultural products," says Stan Vander Waal, BCAC President. "Without a reliable supply and delivery system, our domestic and global customers will lose confidence and turn to other countries to source their food, leaving local farm businesses at risk of losing hard earned markets. Agriculture continues to suffer from the effects of events that remain out of our control such as the gas pipeline rupture, rail strikes and trade disputes. Reversing the impact of this is a long and difficult process.”
B.C. NDP Government Releases Disappointing Budget for Agriculture
This week the BC NDP government released its third budget after delivering a throne speech last Tuesday. The B.C. Ministry of Agriculture received a $2.8-million reduction in funding for 2020. The reduction is primarily targeting travel and office expenses, a freeze on hiring and anticipated program slippage. Out of all the provinces, British Columbia continues to have the lowest government expenditures in agriculture as a percentage of agriculture GDP.
Op-Ed: Metro’s Attempt to Regulate Cannabis Odour Threatens B.C.’s Agriculture Sector
In our collective effort to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gases, who knew that plants and crops were the problem? Officials at the Metro Vancouver Regional District think so as a Metro committee called “Climate Action” is proposing to regulate naturally occurring emissions from plants. Starting with cannabis, Metro Vancouver is proposing to regulate the natural scents and compounds that come from plants and trees.